Solution de contournement par signature électronique

Solution de contournement par signature électronique

Une signature sur tous les produits Zoho serait géniale.
Pour Zoho Books en particulier, j'ai trouvé une solution de contournement :

One signature accross all zoho products would be awesome. For Zoho Books specifically I found a workaround:
  1. Go to Zoho Books -> Settings -> Users and add custom fields, e.g. user e-mail, phone and avatar (url)
  2. Modify the signature in Books -> Settings -> E-Mail and select the created fields from the placeholder dropdown
  3. Go to Books -> Settings -> Users and add values for the just created fields
  4. For the User Avatar upload an avatar to the workdrive and make the file public. Copy the download url into the user avatar field. The URL has following format: